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Clergy and Staff

The Rev. Matthew Wright, Priest-in-Charge


The Rev. Matthew Wright grew up in Western North Carolina, wandering into an Episcopal Church for the first time in 2003—with no idea of where that small act would lead!  He received his B.A. in Religious Studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and M.Div. from Virginia Theological Seminary.  Matthew was ordained to the priesthood in September 2012 and has served as priest-in-charge at St. Gregory's since October 2014.


In addition to his part-time ministry with St. Gregory's, Matthew serves as a retreat leader and teaches for Northeast Wisdom and the Contemplative Society, non-profits dedicated to the renewal of the Christian Wisdom tradition.  He is a vowed Companion in the Rivendell Community, which has a local Chapter based at St. Gregory's.  Matthew lives with his wife and two cats in Woodstock.

Matthew can be reached at

The Rev. Susan Auchincloss, Priest Associate

The Rev. Susan Auchincloss joined St. Gregory's as a Priest Associate in 2017, having previously served the congregation as an interim priest.  Susan has also served as rector of St. John's, New City, NY and as headmistress of an Episcopal school.  She is currently on the Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission of the Diocese of New York and a member of the Founders' Cooperation Circle of the United Religions Initiative.

Susan can be reached at

The Rev. Dorothée Caulfield, Deacon

The Rev. Dorothée Caulfield joined St. Gregory's as our parish's deacon in 2024.  Dorothée was ordained a deacon at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in NYC in 2006 following almost 10 years of reflection and study.  She has served in the NY Diocese ever since. The most recent 5 years were with Grace Church in Ossining.

Dorothée recently retired from full-time work after 22 years as a parish administrator working at 2 different churches in Westchester.  She now lives in Central NY, where she and her husband are building their retirement home.  Dorothée is active in our diocese as a member of Diocesan Council, a co-chair of a subcommittee of the Ordination Task Force, as well as serving as Elections Inspector for Convention.  She also co-mentors an online EfM group and serves as a Spiritual Director, seeing clients online or in person.


Lynn Riley, Administrative Assistant

Ann Klein, Music Director

Donna Price, Treasurer


The Vestry 2024

Senior Warden     Tress Palmer

Junior Warden     Joe DeAngelis

Treasurer              Donna Price


Lynn Riley

Scott Widmeyer

Teresa Foudriat

Mary Kate Davidson

Bob Hlavaty

Fred Levine

Ministry Teams 2021


BUILDING & GROUNDS       Sue Bard, Stuart Auchincloss, Barbara Hass

​FINANCE                               Donna Price

GARDENS                             Marie Duane and Jack Breen

HOSPITALITY                        Claudia Cline and Sean O'Connor

MEDIA                                   Alan Yount and Scott Widmeyer

OUTREACH                           Tress Palmer and Lynn Riley

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